AI players are like supermen; nobody is that good - not even the ghosts!
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It happens at the worst of times, and it makes the game worthless to play.
I played GRAW 1 almost every day in multi-player. Recognizing that GRAW 2 is a different and more complex challenge, I expected that sneaking around would result in a slower more realistic play. Instead, all the AI are in the same spots, they are often wide open and like supermen. In GRAW 1, your high powered sniper rifle could penetrate 4 feet of concrete with a single blast. In GRAW 2, you can hit them in the chest 2-3 times and they get like it is nobodies business, but after being hit down with the shot to the chest, they are able to get up, come to their senses, aim and shoot you dead in 1-2 seconds. Even if GRAW 1's physics made the sniper rifle more powerful than it should be, a sniper rifle should take anybody down regardless of what body armour they happen to have on.
They can shoot you through the ground/hillside, through a car and be out of drawable distance and kill you with a single shot. And then in some missions, the spawn points are behind you, so out of nowhere the enemy appears, making the battle unrealistic, I'd rather have 200 in front of me than 4 who drop in like paratroopers behind you. This is why I consider it broken.
This type of super-human ability in "normal mode" moves the game from being an expected challenge, to being a frustrating experience. No amount of skill on your part really prepares you for this kind of frustration; unless getting killed over and over is the thing you like. The only thing that saves you is the fact that they are in the same spot all the time. Once you remember the spots, it's easy, but then it becomes boring with limited replay. A couple of M61's here, a grenade launch there, and your hidden enemy is toasted, but then so is your challenge .. toasted.
If given a choice between GRAW 1 and 2; version 1 is still the favourite. Sorry Grin (the game maker) you took one to the head with this release.