Distracting enough that you don’t notice

User Rating: 8.5 | Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 PS3
When I read the reviews of this game I was every exited that finally a port to the PS3 wouldn’t look or play like crap. With that said! I sat down with the game on a Thursday and finished it the following night on Friday. I was a little upset because I spent $60.00 on a game that I beat in less then 10 hours. To tell you the truth there isn’t that much replay value either. Thankfully that is all I have to say about the bad. There is a lot of good points to this game, most notably is that it keeps you so busy most of the time, that you don’t have time to pick out the imperfections.

The game play is fast and on point. However I did notice that gun fire did lag a little and HUD commands where a little imprecise. The game play was almost glitch free. I don’t know if this is gust me but the game froze more than once at the level load screen where you picked your weapons and teammates. If you go to the end and then backtrack to select a different gun or teammate it would freeze or if you scrolled through the gun selection to fast it would crash as well.

As for the other nuances to the game, the intel options that you have are very well executed. The UAV and the tactical map where very well dune and very useful through out the game. The only bad thing, to locate an enemy you had to manually scan an area to find them. For instance you couldn’t send the UAV to an area through the tactical map and have it automatically point out the enamels in the area, you would have to take control of the UAV and maneuver it around to pick them up. I thought it was an annoyance and time consuming.

Like I was saying before you have to look very hard at this game to find the bad points, or maybe personal preferences. I found this game very exciting and fun to play while it lasted. There is some replay value to this game, though not much. I found the game (on the default settings) to be a little easy but still challenging enough to get killed more than a few times. There where some glitches in the game, I noticed the most in the last act of the game. I would have like to have had the experience last longer because it is a great game. Overall the “gust par” graphics weren’t that big of a deal when looking at the whole gaming experience. Game play was smooth and engaging. Enamels where well placed and hard to take down. Your squad is intelligent and function usefully. Weapons are good and realistic in sound and functions. The command function is a pit hard to use but works better than others. Over all a good game and a good buy.