Don't know why, but not up until a month ago, i grabbed GRAW for the first time since it was released, I was never really into tactical shooters so I didn't even bother when it was released.
And now, I've played through GRAW and GRAW2 campaign (on normal difficulty), and I'm just HOOKED!
The game is really hard, but not in a frustrating way, not for dumb reasons.
If you take your time, if you play slowly and carefully, if you check your corners and watch for snipers, the game becomes a beast to play.
I simply love it.
It was hard for me to accept this slow paced game-play, but not until I've played through both games, I didn't realize how arcade and unrealistic COD and similar popular titles are.
This is just epic.
And the fact that the game is really demanding and hard should not be a minus or a degrading factor, you simply have to forget EVERYTHING you have learned from COD, and play the game as an almost real life situation.
I would really like to see GRAW3 in the future, since Future Soldier is nothing like this. It'll be a good game, but it's a totally different gaming experience than GRAW.
My rating 10/10.
Although, the graphics really are bland and boring, but at least sharp and very good FPS on max settings.
I guess that would be my only remark.
But tech-wise, everything else is top-notch, the way the guns sound, the way they feel to shoot, the animations, the my opinion, flawless.