Short, but intensive single-player campaign, and an addictive multiplayer game.

User Rating: 8 | Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 PS3
Though the first Ghost Recon game provided a weak introduction to the cross-com function, Graw 2 has improved it exceptionally. The use of the cross-com is now useful and helpful in fire-fights, especially on the harder difficulties. But, sadly, there are a few minor annoyances. The first problem is that where in Ghost Recon 1, if a helicopter under your command flew into the battlefield, you could simply place it under Aggressive and let it automatically target and take down enemies while you can continue taking down targets. In Graw 2, in the many cases of having an APC, M4A1 Bradley Tank, or a helicopter requisitioned, you cannot simply place them under an aggressive stance; instead you must command the crew to fire upon a target you select using the HUD, map, or the cross-com video features. In cases where RPG troopers or where enemy APCs are located this means having to switch back and forth between the helicopter, and tank at times to repeatedly target new hostiles, while the enemy AI is seamlessly targeting your friendlies. Of course this would be less of a problem if you could forcefully take over and aim the guns yourself, but the AI takes over and attempts to shoot the target, often missing or claiming it has no line of sight, when the enemy is in clear view. Also the crew will state a phrase each time an enemy is killed. Annoyingly, it is the same phrase over and over. Thankfully good game play drowns out the bad. All in all, the firefights are intense, and your squad members are fairly good shots. In Graw 2 you can choose your weapon before missions, though on some your previous weapon used on the level earlier is given to you for use in the next. Also, a M.U.L.E. is given, which is a medium sized drone, on some missions allowing you to go to it and change weapons, and resupply your ammo, including grenades. UAVs are also used to scout ahead and target enemies with a red diamond, as long as the UAV remains over the area. Also, unlike in Ghost Recon, Graw 2 allows players to pick up an enemy’s weapon, and the enemy’s weapons range from the common G36k carbine to machine guns.

Multiplayer offers a different game play style than the Singleplayer did, and guns that reappear in the Multiplayer that were shown in the Singleplayer Campaign have different accuracies, damage, and kickback values. Even how the avatar throws the grenades is different from Singleplayer. Also you can choose four different types of people to play as, a rifleman, a marksman, a machine gunner, or a grenadier. The host of online games has a choice whether or not these choices will affect which guns you are using. Eg. A marksman with a rifle cannot handle it as effectively as a rifleman, and so on. In Multiplayer, a massive range of weapons are available, providing tons of variety, where stronger guns provide bigger kickback than others with less. Each of the maps for multiplayer are very original, though most are urban, with lots of close quarters fighting, though there are some long range maps with a fair amount of cover spread out to allow teams to move in close. Thankfully, you can also pick up an opponent’s weapon for use.
The actual game play is fast and addictive and includes an online ranking system. Sadly, points are only added if your team wins, and points are lost from your online profile if your team loses. This causes people to leave games before they are concluded because one team was losing. Also getting stuck on one team whose members do not know how to play gets to be a downer, even if you are top of the team, you will still suffer as a whole. The ranking system is ridiculous because some of the people gain points because they were on the winning team’s side, not because they were a good team player, and some of the people lose points because they were on the losing team’s side, not because they did not know how to play. However, this game is worth the money, and because the rank does NOT affect online game play (no unlockables weapons or anything of that sort), you can just ignore it and join a match to have fun.