While definatley an improvment over the first, graw 2 is not without it's problems.
Graw 2 has a pretty run of the mill tom clancy story, involving mexican rebels, nukes, and polatics. the gameplay is based on non-linear squad based combat, and the gameplay couldn't be more slowly paced. you have to take every corner slowly and carefully, you have to have all of your sides covered, you need to be on your toes at all times, as you die in a couple of shots from your enemy. a careless step out of cover often means death for you or one of your teamates. sometimes, if you are in the right mood, this style of gameplay works great, made intense by the huge, open levels and unpredictble enemy ai. your squadmembers, on the other hand, are less inteligent. in the first graw, you would have to spend loads of time guiding your squad around car doors and debris. they at leased fixed that in graw 2.
this game has a few really good things going for it - good graphics, amazing physx, (there was one time where there was a mexican rebel behind a sand bag bunker type thing around a corner pinning me down. i got out my grenade launcher, and shot quickly. the grenade missed the bunker, sailed past him and hit the base of the light post behind him. the light post fell and crushed the rebel), huge, open levels, and great tactical gameplay. the live overhead map makes it great to create advances with your squad, and also great for spotting enemy soldiers. you can also use a team camara to see what your squad sees.
now on to the bad. the checkpoing system makes sense, there are about two in the huge levels with tons of objectives, there is a messed up quicksave system that usually says "saving now allowed" and the difficulty is absurd. you die so fast it's not even funny.
overall, i'd reccomend this game to those with high patience, and those who enjoy realistic squad based tactical shooters.