wow I have never been this disappointed in my life...well besides when I played elder scrolls oblivion. IT'S A RENTAL!
GOOD: The graphics are amazing and the sound affects are top-notch. The multi-player is superb, and the AI are pretty usefull. The camera is pretty good and the way the game is presented, like how you look through a special GRAW mask the whole game which informs you about usefull information, is great.
BAD: The story is short and getting into the game is really difficult. THe training TAKES FOREVER (EVEN THOUGH YOU CAN SKIP IT, BUT I RECOMMEND THAT YOU DON'T BECAUSE IT REALLY HELPS). THe action in this game is pretty low and there isn't anything to get into with this game except for it's multi-player. So i recommend that you don't buy this game unless you have Xbox Live because without it, this game really sucks. I'm being so brutal with this review because this game really disappointed me. I was expecting better from GRAW 2 but all I got was crap.