In a world where Ghosts go on Recon missions to stop the Advanced Warfighters from taking over the world.
In GRAW 2 the events from the first game and this one are linked as if only a day had gone by. In Ciudad Juárez, where rebel activity has caused civil unrest throughout Mexico. Despite the fact that Carlos Ontiveros died in the first game, the insurgency has continued under the leadership of Juan de la Barrera, even spreading into other Latin American states, including Colombia, Honduras and Panama where rebel forces have effectively shut down the Panama Canal. Which to be honest just goes to show the death of a leader is not always going to win you the war. (sort of like real life events realy). The Ghosts are sent to Mexico by General Keating to investigate claims that the rebels are in possession of a dirty bomb, as well as prevent the rebellion from directly assaulting US soil. Politically Congress hasn't decided to take full military action against the rebels, so legally the Ghost Team "doesn't exist" (they always seem to do that don't they). Immediately after arriving in Mexico, the Ghosts are put to work destroying a sizable rebel position's.
The Ghosts also learn that de la Barrera has obtained old Ukrainian Red Star IV nuclear warheads. Combined with several medium-range, Pakistani-built Kashmira-II missiles stolen from cargo ships in the Canal, the rebels now possess the ability to destroy any major city in the United States.....This is where i will leave off with the story of how the game pans out for people who have not had a chance to play it yet.
Now i will move onto the gameplay of GRAW 2. For the 360 and PS3 version of the game the gameplay was similar to the first GRAW, although some new features, like Eternal Eyes, have been added to improve gameplay. The squad A.I. is improved, with fewer problems occurring than in the last GRAW. Units will actively seek cover and descriptively call out targets. Saying things like behind the red car, or under the green roof.
The PC version of the gameplay was very different from the console iterations, and plays out more similar to the original Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon, taking place from a first-person perspective and requiring the use of advanced tactics. Developed by GRIN Interactive, and built on their proprietary engine called "Diesel 2.0", only a few in-game assets such as voice-overs and Cross-Com and Narcom videos remain the same. The overall story is also the same, but missions play out in a completely different manner.
All three version of GRAW 2 had the latest version of the Crosscom technology which was called Crosscom 2.0. One significant change is the addition of the improved Crosscom system, a battlefield information interlink between all friendly units, that now allows a full screen view of what any unit is seeing, and the ability to direct their movements from there or tell them to take out a specific target. It also adds many new commands including "Recon" and "Assault" modes. In "Recon" mode the AI will not attack the enemy unless they come under direct fire, which makes it easier to sneak past or set up ambushes for enemies.
Not only that but like in some of the past games you could select teammates with differant skill sets. So choosing the anti-tank gunner to combat enemy armored vehicles and the like...But your not going into the fight blind. As the decision is aided by an Intel screen that gives the player his objective and a rough estimation of the amount of enemies the team will face. Each time a new mission is started or the player regroups with the command vehicles over the course of the mission, the player will receive new Intel and can choose new teammates and rearm.
GRAW 2 first came out on March 6, 2007 for the Xbox 360, Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Portable.
The System requirements are:
Windows XP SP1.
ATI Radeon X850 or NVIDIA GeForce 5500 FX.
DirectX 9.0c.
DirectX 9.0 Soundcard compatible.
Windows Vista.
ATI Radeon HD2400 or NVIDIA 8800 GTX.
DirectX 10.0.
Creative Soundblaster X-Fi.
Once you get the hang of GRAW 2 (depending on which version you pick up and play) you will find that this is alot of fun that you can spend a fair amount of time in. So if you can find it for a good price you will not be wasting your money at all.