Wow. Amazing graphics, outstanding controls and gameplay, superb multiplayer, this game is near perfection

User Rating: 9.5 | Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 X360
Amazing is one of the few words powerful enough to describe this game. The graphics are extremely realistic, to the point where explosions actually look like explosions, and from a distance the city's and battlefields look like you were actually in a helicopter looking out the window. It's got very nice voice acting and an excellent sense of suspense, combined with stealth.

The Campaign is particularly short, clocking in at around 6 hours, although it does have 3 difficulty levels. During this time, you'll have to ability to command soldiers, scan the full battlefield with drones, and even command vehicles from wherever you're standing. There is, like I said before, a combination of stealth and suspenseful action. While you'll run into plenty of enemy infantry, you'll also have to hide and try to snipe as many as possible before they spot you. After that, it's just full-blown action, with explosions and bullets everywhere. A nice feature is a damage percentage on any opposing unit you point your gun at, giving you an idea of what kind of approach to use.

The weapon set has plenty of guns to choose from, but some of them aren't really that varied. That doesn't really matter though, as you'll probably be using the same weapons throughout the campaign anyways. There are also grenades (which I didn't use too often because of the difficulty to aim them), smoke grenades (which I also didn't use very often), and a secondary firearm.

As for the multiplayer, the local isn't all too exciting, seeing that there's no radar to find people with, and because it's a cover-based game with fairly large maps, it gets tedious when both players are searching for each other for more that 3/4 of the match. But the online play. ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE, and the graphics are only slightly tuned down. Thankfully there are still plenty of people playing this, and you're never really safe from harm, because the disadvantage of no radar in offline is what makes the online so much fun. You'll constantly be on your toes with the never-ending possibility of dying from any angle at any given moment. It's also nice that people die at the same rate that people die in campaign, unlike some other games. If you shoot someone, they die. You don't have to aim for the head in order to kill them, just shoot them. One more thing I'd like to point out is that you don't have to have an Xbox Live Gold account to play, as long as you're playing WITH someone who has one. You can just log on as a guest of that person, which is nice.

So in a nutshell, the campaign is fun and exciting, but it could've done with a little more length. The "press up against objects" feature doesn't always work the way you want it to, because you just run up against a wall and you'll be covering against it, and it's way to easy to come off the wall. In multiplayer this ability is completely lost. Other than that, I love the game and it will provide you hours and hours of fun, both single player and live multiplayer.

P.S. Sorry if this review is kinda bad, I'm tired and this is the second one in a row