Best single player GR ever!!!!!! The multiplayer localplay is sadly horrible, YET it is the best war strategy shooter!!!

User Rating: 9.5 | Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 X360
POSITIVE: With bullets flying faster, and have to become more of a Ghost than a "full out run out and massacre". This game stands out as a strategic singleplayer focusing on being a ghost.

With its awesome graphics the game will really kick off with you thinking that you are Mitchell. Also, when you blow up a tank or jeep it blows up, its not one of those puny explosions it big.It is great with its WIDE variety of weapons.

NEGATIVE: After about the second mission I really got tired of trying to keep my squadron up with me. and the Mule, and the Tank, and the ACV floaty thing-i-mabobber camera. I just felt like going solo. The missions I thought were the best were the ones when you were partly SOLO. Also I did get annoyed with the fact that no one can jump. I mean using Y to hop over the wall would do you good but to get over a small rock or a let rubble was a tough situation in the game. Also, the multiplayer was horrible for local play. You didn't have radars, or a lockon outline of a person. You could only see a person if they went exactly in front of you sights.

OVERALL; The game is a great shooter game, mixed with alot combat, flying in a helicopter with a gatlen gun, and much more. It is extremely addictive but in the end you just want to play it again.