graw 2 is a very well balanced game. Although you cannot just run onto the battlefield without your team, they are not about to just do all the shooting for you. you have a good selection of teammates to choose from for your primary squad, and on most levels you will have an additional item to command (a chopper, UAV, tank, additional squad, or sometimes a combination of the above). the cover system is very well implemented (the game assumes that if you run up to cover you want to GET BEHIND IT, not just stand next to it while you get shot. there is a very good selection of weapons, and when you are commanding your squad, the "tactical" part of the shooter shines (unlike some games where you can forget about commanding your squad and just let them do what they want to do). however there are a couple flaws. you can't use the cover system in multiplayer, and there are some items (tanks) that you can only tell when to move, not where to move,but both these flaws are easily forgiven when you consider how good the rest of the game is.
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