Xbox or Ps2? Xbox

User Rating: 6.3 | Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter PS2
well....this is my review. G.R.A.W. is a pretty standard game considered to today's gameplay and graphics. Such as Xbox 360 games. This game can tend to often lag and become somewhat boring. The graphics are not that great either, often you'll find yourself frustraded with the lag of the enemy. The AI is even worse, sometimes enemies will pointlessley standing about and not attacking you. Some times you will even have to attack first and then they'll fire back, but the game does have it's con's. The story is the same as the Xbox 360 version and even though is somewhat dumbed down for the Ps2 version it has the same great storyline. Besides that it doesnt have many other great things about it. The story although is great enough to save this mediocore game. It's at least worth a rent.