Everything is absolutely great. The campaign is hard and challenging and the enemy AI is well done. When i first saw it on my TV i felt like i was in the game. The graphics simply are the best. I feel sorry for those who have only played the crappy xbox version because the 360 version is a masterpeice. The multiplayer is awesome also. When i played Ghost Recon 2 i hated the online play because of spawn killers. In GRAW you have very limited ways to spawn kill and if you try you still get your nuts kicked in. The spawn killers are ineffective in this version so thank Ubi Soft for actually taking it into consideration. The accuracy system is improved and there is no lag or very limited lag. The only downside is if you don't have a widescreen TV because the cmpaign is set for that format and i cant find a way to change it...i need a widescreen...so if anyone knows how to change it please let me know...but other than that one down fall the game ROCKS!!!!
Other Helpful Reviews for Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter
Although I've played and bought all the Ghost Recon games on the old Xbox, I was never an avid fan of the series. Yes, I enjoyed them to a certain extent, but they didn't draw me in like some other shooters have. Now ... Read Full Review
The Good: Very intense, tactical, quite challenging, and great enemy and ally AI. The best graphics yet for the Xbox 360 by far, and near perfect soundtrack and soundeffects. Co-op campaigns with up to 4 players or even ... Read Full Review