In my opinion, this game is by far the best on 360 to date and the first to feel worth that "Next-gen price".

User Rating: 9.4 | Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter X360
I just beat the single player game this morning. -And Wow. In my opinion, this game is by far the best on 360 that's out right now. -Not to mention, the best looking and first to really feel worth that "next-gen pricing".

The single player campaign was a tactical blast. -Most definitely a game to pull a Halo-style all-nighter with. Alongside the great and exciting combat, is a level of detail of Mexico City that is simply: awesome! It really feels like a city.... well, except there aren't any civilians to be seen... which I consider a good thing. I mean, the game is already challenging enough (even of normal), so I figured the developers ruled that they'd just get in the way.

Speaking of getting in the way... while I did notice some glitches here and there, the only thing really bugged me was the AI of your squad. They definitely are not the world's best. I found myself the majority of the time just ordering them far *away* from me. Anytime they were remotely close, they would "stand in front of" or "run in front" of my sights. No wonder the superiors over the radio congratulate *you* by name and not your team.

On the other hand, I did enjoy the mechanical toys you could order around. Such as: Copters, Cyphers, APCs, and Tanks. They were all very well implemented into the gameplay and really did make the fighting more intense and tactical. The first time one of the copters blew away a tank and saved my butt... it brought a tear of joy to my eye.

Without spoiling anything, the campaign is a roller coast ride. -Lots of fun surprises during missions.

Unfortunately, I don't have a gold membership, so I can't play online. However, the game did come will a 48 hr. trail... so I guess it's better than nothing...