If there's any game you buy for XBOX 360, it MUST be this game. PERIOD.
The graphics on this game are AMAZING. Especially if you own an HD TV. This is the best looking XBOX 360 title to this date..BY FAR. Check out the beginning movie in the game and it looks REAL. It's ridiculous what this console brings to the table.
The difficulty on this game is kind of difficult at first; as you will quickly learn that you cannot just rush into a fire fight like it is some kind of melee...the game makes you use your team & also other resources that may be at your disposal depending on the situation at hand.
The sound on this game is on point if you have a surround sound system (if you don't, get with it!) You can hear explosions and gun fire all around you and sometimes it even helps as a hint on where the enemy can be located. Simply innovated work by Ubisoft.
Overall this is the type of video game that will make a consumer want to have an XBOX 360...on the real it's THAT GOOD. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and get on the battlefield!!!