DJ's review of Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter
The camera that follows you from behind gives a kind of Black Hawk Down feel, and yes I'm talking about it making you feel like you're watching Black Hawk Down.The graphics are clearly the best gaming has seen to date.
The gameplay is very addicting even if you suck like me.I couldn't shoot a fish if it were out of water on this game.Now don't get mad at me if you play this, and you don't see fish.There aren't any.
The sound is very well done.The gunfire sound changes by where you stand, how you stand, and if you turn around.This sound has to be the realest in a war game yet.
While you still get the whole shoot a window no breaky thing going on, it doesn't really take out the fun.The real fun is filling someone with machine gun bullets and watching the blood pop out.Just imagine shooting a ketchup packet with a BB gun.
The campaign, to me, is very challenging.I havn't even finished training yet though.The commands you give to your retarded soldiers are very responsive.
Overall, if you love this series get it, because it's the best in the series.If you've never played Ghost before I reccomend you rent it.