GRAW is what all 360 owners were waiting for: a killer app for their console. The game puts you in the action immediately: you'll be the leader of a special team of soldiers called to take controll of a city under a terrorist attack. Great game (maybe the single-player part is a little short), very well worth the wait. It would be perfect if it wasn't for a couple of glitches (in the graphic and in the AI). though it doesn't change my final opinion on this game: greatness is the word, all hail GRAW and the next-gen games: its just the beginning!!!
Other Helpful Reviews for Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter
Although I've played and bought all the Ghost Recon games on the old Xbox, I was never an avid fan of the series. Yes, I enjoyed them to a certain extent, but they didn't draw me in like some other shooters have. Now ... Read Full Review
The Good: Very intense, tactical, quite challenging, and great enemy and ally AI. The best graphics yet for the Xbox 360 by far, and near perfect soundtrack and soundeffects. Co-op campaigns with up to 4 players or even ... Read Full Review