GRAW is a genuin, all around great game that everyone must play to belive

User Rating: 9.7 | Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter X360
Im here to tell you about Tom Clancys Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter, otherwise know as G.R.A.W. Graw is a third or first person army simulation type game from the great Ubisoft. The same people that brings up the PoP and Spliter Cell series. Graw is one of the most hyped games for the Xbox 360 this year so far, and Ill tell you now, its deffinatly lives up to expectations.

In the game you play as Scot Mitchel, the leader of a elite war squad named "The Ghosts". In the single player mode you are sent to Mexico City to stop the Mexican forces from overthrowing the Mexican President. But that is later on. At first you are there to stop rebbles from runing the Mexican Presidents and the US Presidents meeting at the UN headcorders. Everything starts out well, little enimy force untill you are almost to the UN office. As you are going there, the whole damn thing blows to pices and you have to protect the Mexican President. The game makes you follow the Mexican Rebel Leader, Onteverous and "the football." The football is the plans to build a machine that can block out communication and some other plans. But since it is in the wrong hands, bad things could happen. In some missions you will have your squad of 3 ghosts but in a few missions, you will be alone. The story is actually pretty deep but sometimes things will happen too fast and you are left there questioning what going on. In the game you will have some helpers. There is Bud, you "eye in the sky" and he will tell you some of your objectives and point out enimy movement. Then there is a Captin dude, who gets mad sometimes and tells you to get the football all the time.(I didnt like him). Then there is another guy, I dont know his name, who tells you about the enimy's tecnological things. Then theres General Potty Mouth as I like to call him. He helps you and yells at you alot. After you saved the presidents and everything, your main objective is to get the football and bring it back. But Onteverous has it and wont give it up. Onteverous is a bad bad guy and lets say he hurts one of your helpers, badly. This made me very mad, and thats when I found out I was immersed in the game.

The graphics on this game are something you pretty much have to see to belive. The lighting, textures and movements are awsome. The lighting is like nothing you have ever seen before. The sun can shine down on the land and buildings and trees will cast a heavy shadow on the ground. But sometimes there are too many shadows and the game shutters some. Not in the framerate but the shadows dissapear and reapear and it all get somewhat annoying, only for a second though. The textures on everything are amasing. There is extreame detail on all the enimies and your teammates alike. The trees, buildings and cars all have great textures. The animations are very very great and just made me go pee. The jumping, button activated jumping over things, looks cool. Everything does. But some of the death animations are kindof cheesey but non the less enjoyable. The explosions is what had me the most interested. The sheer amount of deatail in every explosion is staggering. It just goes BOOM! The cars that I didnt blow up it was just fun to shoot out windows, pop tires and just fill it with bullet holes. Now the single player is GREAT but the multiplayer uses a different engine, or so it seems. Im not saying that the multiplayer graphcs are bad becuase they are very detailed its just they arent AS detailed as single player. And the explosions arent as good, but still great.

This is one hella hard game. I will say that again. This is one hella hard game. This game's single player is at sometimes GAUGE YOUR EYES OUT, HARD. But this doesnt mean that it is not fun. This is a incredible ejoyable game. The tactics that you have to use in even the single player is great. The enimys are easy to kill, if you can get enough time to shoot them before you have to go back into cover. The enimy A.I. is very great and will use just as much cover as you. And you want to, no you HAVE to use cover or your screwed. And if there is no cover then reateat and try to get them from afar. The covering system can sometimes get a bit combersome when there is a slight indent on the building and it makes you get off the building. But overall its a lifesaver. GRAW is no run and gun. This is NOT a Halo type game. This is a very hard game that you need brains to play. This game will kick you ass many times. The levels vary in lenght but all of them lasted me 30- to 40 mintues to beat. And dont think those 30 minutes are easy. Oh no, you will ALOT. I probably died about 5 to 9 times a level. Yup, you heard me right, 5 to 9. Your ghost squad is fairly intellegent but sometimes you just want to hand them a live grenade and run the hell away to see there bodies to explode into pices. In my compleation of the single player, I killed 574 enimies, 31 vehicles, and got hurt 54 times. My teammates did kill 236 people though and thats pretty good. The guns are all very good at different times. And accuracy is the key. You can load a whole round of bullets on a group of people and expect them all to die. No, becuase the more you shoot in a short amount of time, the less accurate the gun is. My favorite gun was the 36K. You can chose bettween 1 shot round or multiple shot round. The cross com is a very helpful thing. You can control your squad, sometimes the drone, tanks, or even helocopters. You can alot get feed from your helpers. Which is all very good. The multiplayer is also a bucket of fun. There are alot of different ways you can make a game but I just perfer the standard Team Elimination. (Team deathmatch) There are about a gillion ways to customise your mutliplayer and about 8 multiplayer maps. There are some I hate and some I love. It all just depends on your prefrence and style. You can also choose your class. The class types are Grenader, Marksman, Automatic Rifleman, and Rifleman. Each one has some weapons that are just for that class and my preference was the grenader becuase grenades=fun. You also get a rank and start out a level 1. As you start to win games your level goes up. It takes a while but it eventually goes up.

Overall this is a must buy. Great graphics, sinlgeplayer, multiplayer, guns, everything, even a great storie. Go buy this game now!