If you magage to get through this without bashing your comp to bits, you enjoy it.

User Rating: 8 | Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter PC
Ever since i've bought this game i've had mixed reactions. Sometimes it's brilliant, other times i'm having a difficult time restraining myself from snapping the disk in half. First let me say that this game has the best use of physics that i have ever seen. it's incredible the detail. for example, i threw a grenade into the middle of a street. it blew up, the traffic light above it realisticlly went up, snapped off of it's cord, and then game down. the nearby cars had their glass shattered, some of them had their doors fall off. you get the idea. It looks incredible, and the changability of guns is great. The plot is simple, but not really stupid. your teamates, when cooperative, are fun to control and it's great that you can see the world from their eyes. the overhead map is great aswell, it's like being able to switch from playing and fps to an rts whenever you like. now onto the bad. It's brutally difficult, to the point that i uninstalled it twice before i finally got through it, your teamates all seem to have downsindrome as they constantly get stuck behind cars, small concrete blocks, and the like with no attempt to go around them, they are about as accurate with a gun as a chipmunk is with one. yet your enemys can hit you every time from 1 mile away. despite this list of problems, it's still a fun game when the ai works, and if you are a fan of strategy fps's, you should get this for sure.