Light'em Up!
hmm well where do i start..ok well starting off with the single player gameplay ill say this..its pretty much changed alot. the core gameplay is still there meaning that you control you character in the 3rd person perspective, move the character with the left thumbstick and look around with the right. the right trigger still firs the weapons as most games do..and "B" still switches the weapons while "A" reloads the weapon and if you hold it down for a second you can change the rate of fire of the gun you have in hand. in the single player campaign you will be accompanied by 3 of your fellow ghost members in the middle of the levels there will be rally points where you can switch them out for other ghost members..thier classes with vary such as a rifleman,grenadier,or automatic rifleman. well anyway you could give your squad simple commands in the old GR's and in this one you can do it yet again..but using the d-pad you can give your squad commands on the fly. for instance if you look at a wall and press up on the d-pad your squad will run over to the wall and post up on it using it for cover and such. if you press back on the d-pad they will regroup. these simple commands make it easy to manuever your squad in the heat of battle so im thankful they are implemented into the game so well. apart from your ghost squad you can also control vehicles such as tanks,helicopters and drones..which come in no more will you be running into battle can find out where your enemies are by using the drone or you dont have can just play the level how you want. the gameplayfor the multiplayer in Gr3 is a little diffrent from the single player feels alot more smooth IMO and its alot easier to aim in the scope..just let me say if you liked the other GR's especially GR2 then your going to love multiplayer, enough said there.
unbelivable the graphics are amazing..everyting looks realistic and behaves realisticaly in the light i cant even fathom the amount of work ubisoft has put into the title to make it look so gorgeous.
those hardcore GR fans out there could always count on ubisoft to make the greatest sound effects when it came to the guns,footsteps,sound of engines, yelling of enemy troops. the sound is crazy and if you have surround sound get ready for a treat my friends.
this game is great if you have a 360 you must get this game..its a must buy in any situation..even if you havent played a GR before why not start with the best one yet? it has something for,head to head, and a great single player campaign..that could be a little harder IMO =/ but its still great because if you put it on hard its alot more of a challenge