G.R.A.W more like RAW
First of all Graphics:
Weak, there are certain games that either focus on graphics or gameplay and graphics aint this games strong point. pitiful attempt at the gun models along with the STUPIDEST eneimes animations ive ever seen. The enemies actully look like a series of three of four pictures being dragged across the screen. it looks really bad. the levels are very poorly desinged with shody extras and huge cars and ladders. The animations are few and far between all you ever see is the gun. i know you meant to but not even a pair of hands when your climbing a ladder or interacting with an object. Graphics are as rough as they can get
Second of all, Gameplay:
This is just youre normal point and hold in R1 until the target is dead or youve hit sumthing. You move extremely slow in this game and the sprint lasts for about 3 seconds. this game fails on both graphics are gameplay.
this has nothing to offer anyone