If you hesitate to get this game, you are making a mistake.

User Rating: 9.6 | Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter X360
Ubisoft continues it's Ghost Recon series by adding Advanced Warfighter to the set. This is by far one of the best games on Xbox 360. The setting in Mexico city is simply amazing and it will definately catch your interest. Basically everything in this game is excellent. This game kicks up a notch on the realism, for instance, the glare of the sun can blind a part of your view, and you will actually be killed if you get shot a number of short times. The sound is brilliant yet amazing for a game like this. There's not much bad to say about this game.

The gameplay for Advanced Warfighter is extremely fantastic. The controls could take some time to get used to but once you do get used to them, this game goes downhill from there. The enemies aren't overpowering but there can be a lot of them. Killing them is just simply fun, nothing beats mowing down a couple dozen rebels with a vulcan cannon (gataling gun). This is just fascinating. You die fairly easy in this game, but this will tell you to use cover when fighting your enemies. Your squadmates will not do this all the time, in fact, they don't do it very often. This usually results in them getting killed. There are supply machines that occasionally appear in a mission; this allows you to heal yourself and restock your ammunition. There are plenty of weapons to choose from and they all have one use---to kill enemies. You can call in air strikes, support, etc... that will help you in your campaign mode. This is useful for when you need help with a mission. I can't say much more about the gameplay except to say it's nearly perfect for this game. If anyone wants a game with perfect graphics, this is the game. Advanced Warfighter offers extremely accurate visuals that include detailed environments and detailed character models. These sights look great. The city is just amazing to look at. The bright sun in the sky that's shining down on Mexico city is just brilliantly well done by Ubisoft. The gun models look awesome alongside with the city and shadows. The HUD looks very cool and it's known as the crosscom. The videos of soldiers giving you objectives or orders look nice. Vehicles look great and so does the environment. Helicopter rides are very entertaining somewhat due to the graphics. There's not much more to say about the graphics except they are perfect for Advanced Warifighter.

The sound in this game is one of the best I've ever heard. Mostly every gun has it's own unique sound and that's not a common thing in most games. The voice dialouge is very well done and the same goes for the helicopter rotors. The explosions sound very cool and if an explosion occurs near you, you will go deaf-ish for a little bit. It's a cool way how Ubisoft did this because you will know when you're being attacked. Other than that, everything else sounds excellent and it awesome for this game.

There is multiplater in this game and that is very cool. Playing online is fun, ranging from different game modes to play from. The offline multiplayer is exciting too. Nothing is more fun than working with your friends online to beat a cooperative campaign. This game is very fun with the multiplayer feature. Overall, Advanced Warfighter is an awesome game for the Xbox 360 and you should get it if you haven't alread. It's got great sound, perfect graphics, and it's one of the best for gameplay. The multiplayer is awesome too, so go and give it a shot.