The game has a very solid multiplayer progressing through the time of about two days or so. the graphics are amazing in this game and it has great gameplay. there is a glitch here and there and can get very tedious at times with having to stay alive the whole level with only a few save points. but those are the only problems the rest of the game is absolutly amazing. I love this game. the split screen is a slight let down in the offline department but other wise a very solid multiplayer. online i have not met anyone being cheap. a major plus is that the weapons are all very well balanced so its hard to be cheap if you want to.
Other Helpful Reviews for Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter
Although I've played and bought all the Ghost Recon games on the old Xbox, I was never an avid fan of the series. Yes, I enjoyed them to a certain extent, but they didn't draw me in like some other shooters have. Now ... Read Full Review
The Good: Very intense, tactical, quite challenging, and great enemy and ally AI. The best graphics yet for the Xbox 360 by far, and near perfect soundtrack and soundeffects. Co-op campaigns with up to 4 players or even ... Read Full Review