Good Tactical Game,Good Graphics,Good Sounds,Good FPS,and of course,it requires a Good CPU Power...
In this game,the most part that i love the most is the sound,the effects that were put in were extremely good,it makes you feel as if you are in the game,
the impact of the explosion,makes the game looks realistic.
The graphics are nice,but in order to obtain it,you must have quite a high end 3d card.And of course,this is the best,easy to navigate tactical game i've ever played.
But of course,nothing is perfect..what bothers me the most is the A.I of this game,the enemies seems to notice you easily,and they will keep on firing at you once they notice you.Even though you are taking cover behind the wall,cars,woods etc,they will gonna keep on firing at your spot till their next reload of weapon.So that will be the time you are free to shoot them.Though it's possible to shoot them while they are firing at you,but it's a bit risky. And one more thing about the A.I is that,most of their(enemies and our teammates) shooting accuracy is perfect,they'll hit you easily if you stand still on one spot,and the strange bug is that,the oponents are very alert,they can see you even though you dont see them..strange huh?? try itif you wanna know
And also there are a couple of missions where you have to go solo,on that mission,i felt like taking the rifle and spray onto myself.. That's not a realistic mission,try to imagine one soldier against more than 20!!
That is definitely deadly..
But if you get use to it,you'll find this game as easy as spelling ABC. I think the developers are trying to make a challenging game so that you'll take quite a long tme to finish it.I took about 2 hours on completing one of the missions,coz i kept dying..
Oh one more bad thing is that,there are no quicksave/quickload,loading times are quite long everytime you restart a last saved checkpoint or the level itself,but the game has auto save,it will save your progrees after you've completed one objective,so after every objective,it will auto save.
But if you add up all these bugs,i can say that the game is made good. The gameplay is really fun and enjoyable,and it's instense at every moment,coz at every corners,there might be enemies..try this's a good buy!!