If you A Real CLancy Fan This game willlet you down.............

User Rating: 5.4 | Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter XBOX
I am a long time fan of the clancy series, I've played all of them since R6. The latest installment, glaringly displays that Ubisoft put their time in effort into refining the 360 game and the Xbox kind of recieved the residual of that effort. I suppose that is to be expected with the launch of a new platform and trust me Microsoft, if I could have found a 360 while I went out to get this game, I would have come home 560 dollars poorer (at least) But regardless of that...on to the game.

Almost immediately, while Captain Mitchell is being breifed in the helicopter about his equipment, the controls feel sluggish. Even with the reticle sensitivity jacked up all the way, it feels like the game responds to the joystick movement about a half second after you move it. Bad news for a FPS. It effects the game in two ways. One is the obvious, if someone is behind you shooting you you don't have much opportunity to spin and return fire. I can deal with that...if you were getting shot in the back in a real spec op I doubt you would live to tell about it. The major problem with this is it also takes about a half second after you release the joystick to stop moving. This proves to make aiming a bit difficult.

The overall movement in the game feels slow as well. In order to "sprint" you have to push in the left control stick while still trying to use it to steer which proves to be difficult. Even if you manage to master this art, you are only rewarded with about 8 seconds of sprinting until your "stamina meter" gives out. This feature becomes tiresome, particularly when there is a tank bearing down on you. In terms of realism, I doubt a highly trained special forces operative would have a problem sprinting for a sustained period of time, particularly when getting shot at, regardless of how much his cutting edge equipment might weigh. It makes for a source of frustration. The game should move faster and more accurately. This was a problem I did not notice on the 360.

Grenades. Ok, I get why a hand thrown grenade might not travel so far (although there are Navy Seals out there that can huck one close to 50 yards) but if you have a grenade "launcher", one would think that the distance that grenade travels may be somewhat farther than one could throw by hand. This isn't really the case, at least not with the under-barrel grenade attatchment for the M8 (apologies for not remembering the weapon's name) Grenades dribbling from the barrel of this weapon appear to be less accurate with a moderately larger explosion than the good ol frag. What's up with that? What happened to the OICW style weapon that Cpt Mitchell was issued with his future warrior gear in GR2? You remember, the one that's grenade launcher shot in a frozen rope straight line over any distance and could be set up as an airburst? I'm sure we could find a happy medium here, developers.

Graphics are (obviously) going to be a major difference between X and 360 versions of the game. But come on, guys. There were times when the graphics were so bad on the backdrops and building detail that I thought I was playing the original playstation. I don't expect to much in terms of shading, but let's get some straight lines for the edge of our buildings and the rappel lines coming from the Helo's. And is it too much to ask to get some realistic physics for the enemy when they are shot? Remember R6-3? When rag doll physics were first really being experimented with and enemies would fall with their legs wrapped around their head? Imagine that only when the enemy gets hit with a 5.56 round from 150 yards he buckles in half like he was hit by a car. This keeps me from being Capt mitchell and makes me realize I'm staring at my TV. No gamer should have to do that. Once again...not a problem I noticed on the 360.

Sound...actually was pretty killer. I've got a real decent home theater and it sounded great, although sometimes there were issues with rounds that were supposed to be firing off in the distance that seemed awful close, and vice versa. This is something that the clancy series has usually been pretty good with. Didn't play 360 on a surround sound system so I can't comment on the differences.

Value....I'd save your money and wait til you buy your 360. it's just a much better game all around on that console. strange for a game that is supposed to be a port. or at least that's the impression I've been led to believe. Anybody know for sure?

Tilt factor...well my first sitting witht the game was about 3 hours so that's not bad. Not too good either seeing as how I usually go crazy and try to beat any game (especially clancy games) in one sitting. even the questionable ghost recon 2 was an enjoyable game to play and I didn't put it down until I beat it. And the multiplayer in GR2 was phenominal. to be honest, I'm kind of hesitant to go online with these sluggish controls for fear of being a fish. we'll see how that pans out.