Most Tactical Game ever

User Rating: 9 | Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter PC
Played on 1 GB Ram X700 pro at 800x600

. Stimulation-like Gameplay
. Climactic Situations
. Sounds
. Tactical Map
. Huge Landscapes

. Team mates get stuck and do not comprehend with orders
. Enemy AI deteriorates in later part of the game
. Saving Ballatine is less challenging than I thought. I was hoping he and some secret service agents were fighting for their survival.
. Multiplayer is a cliche

The game benefits a lot from the tactical map, but the AI ruins the gameplay a lot. Although the multiplayer does not increase the value of the game, the huge landscapes does by providing opportunities in trying out different tactics once the game is finished.

If you have the 360 ver. or vise versa, there is no point in getting the latter. They have the same objectives, but different kind of gamplay thats all. Obviously with X700pro, I didn't get much eye candy from the game, but I am contented with the graphics. Honestly, I bought this game due to the hype, thinking it would be revolutionary. Overall, I didn't regret it. I had fun throughout the game and wouldn't mind playing it again. Recommended.