One of the better multiplayer games available on the Xbox 360.
This is the type of game which I casually play online. It's great for those who have a group of friends who they regularly play with like myself. I make an effort to hop on G.R.A.W. at least once a week, usually on weekends. And I've accumulated well over 100 hours of gameplay.
Ubisoft also recently released a rather large and somewhat costly DLC pack which included numerous maps, new weapons, and new uniforms among other things. The package was great; it totally revived my interest in Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter.
Anyways, to get to the point, I highly recommend this game to anyone who is interested in multiplayer gaming. If you're looking for a great singleplayer game, steer clear of this one. Although G.R.A.W. does offer a single player game, you'll probably end up beating it in a weekend even if you play the game in an extremely casual manner.