One of the better multiplayer games available on the Xbox 360.

User Rating: 9 | Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter X360
The whole reason I got into the Ghost Recon series way back in the day was for the intense multiplayer action. Ubisoft has been able to uphold that addictive multiplayer throughout the years, and the Ghost Recon series has seen a smooth transfer to the Xbox 360.

This is the type of game which I casually play online. It's great for those who have a group of friends who they regularly play with like myself. I make an effort to hop on G.R.A.W. at least once a week, usually on weekends. And I've accumulated well over 100 hours of gameplay.

Ubisoft also recently released a rather large and somewhat costly DLC pack which included numerous maps, new weapons, and new uniforms among other things. The package was great; it totally revived my interest in Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter.

Anyways, to get to the point, I highly recommend this game to anyone who is interested in multiplayer gaming. If you're looking for a great singleplayer game, steer clear of this one. Although G.R.A.W. does offer a single player game, you'll probably end up beating it in a weekend even if you play the game in an extremely casual manner.