GRAW Offers a pretty good game but doesn't really live up to the "Tom Clacny" name in my opinion.
The gameplay is pretty good the controls are sound and the opponent AI is very good, but the team AI could use some improvements. You have over 10 chapters to play out which takes place in unique enviroments but you seem trapped in some areas, The game isn't as opened ended as it should be. The hud in the game shows the enemies with a red icon and your allies with a blue or green icon.
The game looks great, flat out, the enviroments look very detailed and the player modles look exellent, the lighting is fantastic but can be hard to see at times, there are some glitches here and there that stop it from looking perfect.
The voice work is pretty good and the soundtrack is great the gun sounds sound good as well so that helps the presentation alot.
The game is a good value, the single player campain does have over 10 chapters but there not all that long and you should finish the game around 10 hours, the multiplayer portion is good you can have up to 16 players online and you can also have co-op online with co-op specific missions as well.
The game is fun for a while, like most "Ghost Recon" games there isn't much of a story, you just go around doing your thing and it get's kind of repititious in some spots.
Overall i did have a pretty good time with the game, the 10 chapters are fun for a while and you can have some fun with the mutiplayer, it would have been good to see like 64 players or even 32 would have been nice but if your into these kind of games you should probobly just rent GRAW, it is worth checking out.