Great presentation, some bugs, troubled game play.
The Good:
- Great presentation, really nice graphics, very believable urban environment.
- Weapons all feel very different, weapon selection important.
- Squad and other support units (tanks, choppers) add a fun element to game-play.
- Levels are well designed and they all feel different and challenging.
- Great control. Cover system is easy to use and very powerful. Character feels like a real soldier. Awesome.
The Bad:
- Squad AI sometimes very stupid, standing in the open and getting killed, etc. Can be frustrating. You quickly learn to keep them out of most fights so they don't do something dumb and get shot.
- Game play is based around ambushes. You have no way of seeing the enemy coming, so you move forward, you get shot, you die. You restart with the knowledge of where the enemy is positioned and then you ambush him. Very repetative, no skill required (or possible), just using "save-load" to beat the levels.
- Story takes a few strange turns and sometimes feels more like a funny "James Bond" film instead of Tom Clancy.
The Ugly:
- Hard-locked my Xbox 360 twice.
- If you are aggressive you can spot the game spawning NPCs. Sometimes they will spawn right on top of you and you get no chance to react.
- I encountered a geometry problem on a truck in one of the last few levels where a single texture was stretching across the entire screen, hiding enemies, etc. Very ugly.
- Enemy AI sometimes gets stuck and won't move or defend itself, forcing you to search the level for the one stuck guy that will allow the game to continue once you kill him.