Easily a contender for Best 360 Game.
User Rating: 10 | Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter X360
To start off, the graphics are perfect. The best I've seen on a 360 game. There's no lag whatsoever, multiplayer or single player. The single player campaign offers a great amount of levels and a great storyline, and it's just plain fun to play. From commanding your squad to a battalion of tanks, the single player campaign is still very hard to play. You must rely on your teammates for aid in battle but at the cost of protecting them yourself. The gameplay is sort of like Brothers in Arms, but hundreds of years in the future. You can also heal your teammates if they fall, but don't expect a peaceful healing session. You either have to wait for the enemies to be killed, or heal them under fire. Your choice. There are many high tech weapons to wield, adding to the realism. It's very easy to get yourself killed, so watch your back at all times. Xbox Live is also great, except for joining a game. Ever since the Chapter 2 download content came out, I haven't been able to join many games, since everyone had basically downloaded it. I won't because it's $15! Sort of a ripoff for a few new weapons and maps. Anyway, this game is definitely a must-buy and is very fun when it comes to online play, if you can get into a game!