A fun game with great physics and graphics, a must own if you have xbox live (gold).
The single player is done very well with a tutorial stage (which you even get achievement points in) that shows you the basics while showing you the amazing graphics/physics at the same time.
The missions are also done very well, with the first couple really showing you the intensity that GRAW gives the gamer. Simple things like the camera moving in P.O.V to the motion of your walking really makes you feel like your in the game.
My only complaint about the single player is it is very hard and can be discouraging but the good news about that is when you do feel angry, just switch to multiplayer mode!
The multiplayer in GRAW is great, the voice communication makes everything that much smoother and the options of what type of multiplayer game you want to play is also marvelous.
Wither you want to play team vs team or maybe get you and a couple friends online to play a "campaign" mission in which you and your friends battle against the AI to reach a certain objective.
GRAW is a most own if you have xbox live (gold) and you should try it out if you just have an xbox 360.