Ghost Recon: Future Soldier is an amazing game, that does not disappoint from the beginning to end and keeps delivering.
Future Soldier
Publisher: Ubisoft
Developer: Ubisoft Paris
Platform: Xbox 360
Rated: Mature
Released: May 22, 2012
The visuals for Ghost Recon: Future Soldier is a pretty amazing to look at and the detail to all the location's and environments you go to all look really great from the arctic warfare environment's, to the desert even to the back woods in some parts of the game and even the rundown villages/town's you will go through this game and you should be quite impressed with the details of the game and just looking at the sky in some areas of the game just looks breathtaking and very impressive and the detail to the members of the Ghost team look very well done and you the player should that the visuals are very impressive. So with detail to all the different locals that you go to and detail's to these locals are a done nicely to detail from the locations you to like South America, Africa, Europe, The Arctic and North America and every location you go to in this you should quite impressed with and find it great to look at.
The detail to the Ghost team is also done in great detail and even the non-playable-character's (NPC's) from the civilians to the enemies you have to take out they also look pretty well done and their is cool thing in this game and that is you can utilize a cloak thing that makes you virtually invisible and i thought this was cool with most of the environments that you will go to like the Desert or in the Arctic the cloaking camouflage and I do understand that invisible camo works this way but I think it was awesome to see it a game and if you take a second and look at your character and then focus to beyond you character and you can almost see right through him and see the ground and stuff like that and I personally that that was cool to see and very impressive. So in short the detail of the visuals for this game is very impressive and you the player will find it most stunning and amazing to see with your eyes.
The audio for Ghost Recon: Future Soldier is also impressive to hear and to listen to from the sound effect, the voice work and even the musical score all the audio for this game is really done well and even put together really well. So the voice work sounds great and you might hear some familiar voice like the guy who's doing the voice work for your teams handler code name Overlord he sound's just like the guy who's done the voice work of Wolverine from the X-men games and I believe he also did the voice work of the main character in Bulletstorm and he also sounds just the guy who does the voice of a certain main Gears of War character Marcus Fenix, but still if I'm wrong sorry but he sounds just like the same guy who has voiced these character's and still the voice work is pretty amazing. The musical score in this game is quite impressive and helps set the mood in most part of the game with it's serious and fast paced tone make to to hear and might get you right in to the game.
The sound effect's in the game are quite impressive to hear from the explosion's to weapons everything it all sounds great and crisp and clean and weapons sound like guns for the most part and the explosion's from grenade or an exploding truck, car or van all sound very impressive. So in short for the audio the game is that it is out standing to hear from every part of the audio and that it is nearly perfect.
The gameplay for Ghost Recon: Future Soldier is great and is broken into single-player, co-op and on-line and so I'll start with the single-player. So the single player story put's of in the boots of a Ghost Recon member which is an elite squad of four members that you get to play as one of them and you get to use all the tools that are at this teams disposal from sensor balls to drones and the active camo that will keep you invisible and the active camo is quite fun to use sneaking around and if done right with patience you can clear each of the mission's at 100% completion rate, but using everything that you have at your disposal and with all that that the campaign is pretty fun to play and is is fairly lengthy and it is pretty epic and intense and their is another great feature and that is the work of team synchronizing shots to complete objective or to just get out of some sticky situation's in the and to complete some challenges that you might get for some mission's. So with all that said the single-player is by far one of the best campaign's you night come across with a great and intense story and having access to some of the future military tech at your disposal is an experience on it's own and you should like this game's campaign.
Now as for any issues I was not able to find to many and the ones i came across were very just very minor and they were some minor glitch's and the odd bug but nothing to big that will keep you from enjoying this great game. So in short for the single player campaign is that it is very good and a solid experience and you can play the campaign with up to 4 player including your self and you should find this game's single player great and you should have a blast playing it.
Guerrilla Mode:
So with Ghost Recon: Future Soldier you have this mode called Guerrilla Mode which you can play with up to 4 player or by your self in a wave base game mode which is basically a familiar mode from such games like Gears of War 2 & 3, Halo 3: ODST and COD: WAW's Zombie mode and I'll be honest I have not played this mode too much but from what I played of it and that it is a hell of a lot of fun when you play it people or friends and don't get me wrong it fun by your self, but it is better when you have a group working together or just being on the same page as you. So Guerrilla Mode is just plain fun.
Now the on-line for Ghost Recon: Future Soldier is a very fun and is quite a competitive experience with about 4 modes and they are Conflict: which is a team objective mode where both team's have to either defend or take control of an objective, which are randomly located and completing these objective's team's will score points and if both teams are ties at the end of the match then the tie-breaker is decided by which team had the most team work The second mode is called Decoy: which is a mode where team's must find a key and their are 3 key's put only one is the real one and the other's are just decoy's and neither team know the location of the key,and when completing the the "Key" objective will reveal the final objective and you have attacker's where they win the round by completing their objective's and you have the defender's and they win by stopping the Attackers and this mode is a best of three to win the match. The third mode is called Saboteur and in this mode you have a bomb hat is located in the center area and teams attempt to secure the bomb and transport it to and try to detonate the bomb at the enemy base and the team who detonate's the bomb wins and if the bomb is not detonated teamwork decide the tiebreaker and the fourth mode is called Siege and in this mode their is no respawns and defender's deploy near the objective and the attackers deploy at a random location after a short set-up delay and the attackers win the round if they complete the objective or if the defenders are eliminated, the defenders win if time expire's or the attackers are eliminated and this mode is a best of 5 rounds wins.
So in short for the on-line for this game is that it is fun when everyone is working together and it is not when everyone is not working together and with for modes and you have about 10 maps to play or even vote on and their are now some new expansion packs or just plain Map Packs available now and if you already have this game it is worth getting them but not everyone as the new content, but they worth getting if you own this game already. So this game is great and is a lot of fun to play on-line and this game has Host Migration so if the host leaves it will make the some else the host and that is great and you should have a great time with time on-line.
The overall point for this game is very simple and that is this, Great visuals, amazing audio, superb single-player, fun Guerrilla Mode and a really fun and great on-line experience this game is absolutely worth the money for it and I'm not sure I think it sale too. So you should go pick this game up you should not be disappointed with it at all.
9.0 out of 10