Multiplayer or no multiplayer, Ghost Recon is still fun
User Rating: 9 | Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon PS2
This is one of the most underrated games I've ever seen. It's constantly panned because it lacks online play, but who cares? You don't get a first-person-shooter solely for the online play. The graphics are average, but not bad considering it was 2002. The missions are fun to play, especially with a friend. The surprisingly good AI will take cover, hide in corners, and even charge at you. The friendly AI (your squadmates, NPC allies you find in the game, etc.) are skilled as well. They'll take down enemies, go prone and crouch when neccesary, and follow you. The game also fixes many of the annoying pathfinding issues that other games like it have. The sound is good. Overally, this game is very fun to play alone or with a friend. The absence of online capability may make it not as good as the PC and Xbox versions, but it's still a very good game.