There are wide range of factors which some are fun to have,turning it into something astonishing lacks clearly.
Its not too much and I think it isnt that bad at all,i am personally not that much pleased with the game and what it offered me.Just gonna review it to tell you guys what I think.
The Graphics-
As you know the game is a flying/shooter.So you expect to have most of the levels flying in higher altitude and mostly in the air.So in order for the developers to bring the best result out of the visuals and the graphics they,actually used real satellite pictures of the specific locations and used it in the game.Isnt that great.What this does is that when ever you are looking down at the mountains or any special locations you would actually see the real thing and this makes a huge difference in the graphical order.You might expect to see the same result when you are flying lower to the ground but no,things change.If you are flying lower to the ground you see everything pixelated and bad textures kick in.I personally did expect this since we are talking about real satellite images and it would kind of be impossible to want to have even better images at lower altitude because of the size of the pictures and so on.
That didnt matter at all in the game.If you are flying that doesnt matter because you are constantly changing your heights and locations.
Now if we want to talk about the little details on the ground which we see in the cut scenes all over the game,its not something to be pleased with,everything looks very much like toys, from closer distance,so this is not a good thing at all.
The Gameplay-
The gameplay does change sometimes during the main campaign,however the main element is constant all the time.You see the main objective of the game is to either go after enemy planes or bombard an specific place on the ground,either enemy tanks or rockets.This is the main objective of the game.
The change that I mentioned was during the campaign you will have to play very few missions that doesnt involve you going after enemy planes or anything like that.For example there was this mission I came across that seemed more like a spying mission you had your drone to use and it supported night vision which was pretty cool,and you had to do the mission in a mood of spying which was also interesting.
Its also not that hard to know this game is a Tom Clancy game since you get night vision and heat vision in the game on some of your planes.
In addition during the game I found out a few things about the gameplay too.If you stay in one spot in the air and want to look for the enemy planes using the yellow helping arrow and keep rotating and controlling your plane,you will keep rotating around yourself,and after a few levels which gets a bit more difficult you can get frustrated easily since all you do is to rotate around your self in the air and you fail to locate and find the enemy planes around you.
Another big issue is the dodging the enemy rockets which lockup up on you.There are two ways to do this.One is to do big turns either up or down or whatever,or you can use your limited flares to get way from them.So now you have to look for enemy planes by rotating all the time and to add more fun you have to rotate more to dodge enemy fires.Nice!
to be honest I think there is no other thing to do while you are in the air,this is the reason why the gameplay is a bit messed up I believe,there are not enough involvement for the players.
The Story -
The story keeps unraveling like any other story from any other game.I personally didnt like the story that much,because it just didnt have anything new to offer,the rendering of the cut scenes wasnt any good either.Also the characters did play a big role on it all and unfortunately the visuals werent that good either.The
story allows you to play as both Americans and Russians.As I said before the story didnt please me at all.
The Enjoyment -
The game can be fun at first when you are getting to know the buttons and learning to control the plane as best as you can.Its fun learning the different buttons but as soon as you understand the basics and get to know the buttons better,you start to feel as if everything is very similar and alike.
Yes there are levels which are fun to play,however as I claimed when you get the hang of it its all very similar and repetitive which really reduces any fun facts left in the game.
Lets also not forget that flying up high and enjoying the amazing views is always enjoyable,more or less thats it.
The Summary -
HAWX2 is one of those games which is trying to find its path trough mistakes.Any one who likes flying and planes and all these elements has to agree with me that ,having a plane and be able to flying through awesome landscapes with real life textures is one great experience.
Like any other game there are downsides to this game too,the story is not that interesting,the graphics turn to low polygons at the close range mostly near the ground.Also the textures and terrains get destroyed at close range and loose their real life visuals.Cut scenes are not good at all.You cannot find any good Cinematic elements in the game.
I think the gameplay is different to other games from this genre.You cannot expect a great game from H.A.W.X 2 however it offers an acceptable package for the gamers,it surely is playable but will you play it?
6.5 out of 10