Ok so everyone is bashing this game cuz it is not a flight sim. Ubi themselces said it was not a flight sim months before it was released. People say there is no sense of speed. How are you to simulate speed with the ground thousands of feet below you? People say a rehash of AC6. ALL JET GAMES ARE SIMILAR! I thought AC6 was decent till I beat it 2 hours in, hawx is just fun. And for those of you who think Clancy makes these ur wrong, he just "informs" the developers. It is fun, dont let anti arcade flight peoples make you think its bad. If you like flying jets and blowing things up with a decent scenario, this is for you. 4 player co op can be damn fun, who can do this or that. And the multiplayer, yes has been done, but is still fun. I do not understand why people complain about the camera third person, I have found no issue with it. Its similar to blazing angels only much easier to see what your doing. I guess people just complain about whatever they can. If you dont think flying around in an F-22 Raptor shooting out foes and blowing up tanks pulling off maneuvers that are near IMPOSSIBLE is fun then you shouldnt even bother, if its not your type of game DON'T HATE IT cuz its not. I like sims but time and again its fun to play a "What if?" Again it was not made to be realistic, they admitted it, so stop saying you dislike it because its not realistic, do a little more research people!
I enjoyed the game, because its fun. SO if you want a redefining Jet game, dont think this is it. Why? Because you CANT redefine a jet game. Its either unrealistic or realistic. Sims are fun but Id rather carry 300 missiles than haft to land after firing off 12.
The games fun, pick it up and enjoy it for what it is. Dont expect it to be something the developers said it is not.
HAWX is a game that is alright but not one I would buy it is fine in the first couple of missions till it gets repetitive! I mean the same thing protect the bomber protect the bomber. So in the end you will do the same m... Read Full Review
This game to some looks a lot like the Ace Combat series, dont worry about them people if there the ones that are making your mind on this, this is a very addictive action packed game, like the good Clancy games should b... Read Full Review