Am I that good of a pilot? or is this game to easy?

User Rating: 6.5 | Tom Clancy's HAWX PS3
First off, I was extremely exited to see a new flight game for the PS3. I tracked this game and was happy to see it on the shelves when released. I bought the game and played it with one thing in mind; I hope this is as solid as the Ace Combat series. While reading the reviews I keep seeing multiple comparisons to Ace Combat. Are we wrong to compare this game to it? Or is it the fact that Ace Combat has been if not the only but dominating force in the past few years when we talk about jet sim games?

All comparisons aside this game does have a few innovations that do set it apart. The third person controls for pulling off evasive maneuvers is a novel idea that should be looked at in the development of this series.

Controls are somewhat solid for a jet sim. But I find myself leaning to others opinions that no difference seems to be present between the controls of the (of what should be sluggish) SU 25 Frogfoot and (fly by wire) F 16 Falcon. I believe this point will be addressed in the future if there is one for this series.

No skins? Seems like multiple jet skins should be a given in this day and age, or if you allow me to think of it, a customizable skin set up (a la need for speed?!). Alas you get what you get as far as skins are concerned.

AI is not that hard either, maybe my addiction of Ace Combat made me what I am today as far as an Ace Pilot for these types of games. If anything It got me curious to see what it would be like to fight real people through multiplayer (which my Internet provider is yet to get back to me about 10 mbs internet connection, GRRRR), so for all purposes this review did not take into account multiplayer online.

Although somewhere in the management offices of Ubisoft the decision was made to develop this game with the knowledge that it would be filling a void in the market that is yet to be filled by Ace Combat, somewhere I can only imagine a few people on the development team of Ace Combat quietly taking notes on this game and reception of it. I just hope that those notes translate into a better game. This is still a solid game for those that love jet sims.