Last Level Kills it all.

User Rating: 8 | Tom Clancy's HAWX PC
H.A.W.X is a great game, don't get me wrong, its fun, and will keep you entertained for hours.

Graphics 5.0
The terrain looks disgusting from up close, just a buncha blocks, and since there are some missions where you HAVE to fly low, makes you think if the developers had any thought about that.
The jets on the other hand look amazing, nicely detailed, shiny, and sound realistic.

Sound 8.0
Explosions sound like explosions, jets sound like jets, wind sounds like wind. Nuf Said

Gameplay 9.5
The game is VERRRYY fun, I cannot stress this enough, flying around in a kick ass fighter plane, shooting everything that moves, its awesome.

Controls 7.0
Eh...coulda been better...some of the weapons are useless, like the cannon(machine gun) controls are kinda busted, and the rocket launcher is close to useless at long range.

Story 6.5
Eh, nothing spectacular, thats for sure, its kinda cleshay, especialy with the ending and all, but hey, its an arcade style Flight Action simulator, a decent story like this was everyones highest hopes.

Replay Value 5.0
Sometimes you just wanna replay it for no real reason, if its to get more experiance, or do some of the fun objectives.

Lasting Impresion 1.0
A long line of great, fun levels, ruined by two lame levels where you have to protect a SLOW MASSIVE PLANE from an ARMY of fighter jets.
The President Escorting Mission Sucks.
The Last Mission in Los Angelas Is the most unfair #$&^ that I've seen in my life.
And its just ridiculious on the higher dificulties.

Overall 8.0
While the game definetly has some very frustrating bad points, its a few dents in its otherwise flawless jet.

Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X Is definetly worth a rental, and after that, it is most definetly worth the consideration to buy it.