Ok lets start this off. This is my first review, hope it goes well. Starting HAWX I remembered reading somewhere or hearing it was going to be realistic in a sense, and being sponsored by the actual Boeing company ect. I had my hopes up, but those hopes where brought down once I kept playing. First night I was playing for about an hour and the silly thing is I was on the hardest difficulty and it was still childish to play for me. Don't get me wrong this game has its ups and downs but it really wasn't meant to be realistic in any sense at all.. Being an avid flight simmer, and pilot in training I found it to be a laugh fest, all in all thought. I would have to say this game is definitely worth playing even though it is not a sim, but more of a run and gun in the air.. I still found myself glued to the seat until I had to go make dinner, addicting I guess you could say.
Ok so everyone is bashing this game cuz it is not a flight sim. Ubi themselces said it was not a flight sim months before it was released. People say there is no sense of speed. How are you to simulate speed with the gro... Read Full Review
HAWX is a game that is alright but not one I would buy it is fine in the first couple of missions till it gets repetitive! I mean the same thing protect the bomber protect the bomber. So in the end you will do the same m... Read Full Review