A great update online and off
User Rating: 9.3 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Black Arrow XBOX
If you've read my past reveiws than you know that I love Tom Clanycy games. This one is no different. This game does to Rainbow Six three what Island Thunder did to Ghost Recon, only I was a bit more satisfied with this game. This game is longer and more difficult than ISland Thunder. I also liked how a co-op mode was added. This has only been capable on one system on the 64's version of Rainbow Six. This game also offers a great graphics and a great story line. The difficulty is there and even if you've played all the R6 ten times like me I still found that there were challenges along the way. This game also features Xbox Live 3.0 where you can join a clan and email each other on important clan matches. I think that playing co-op with a friend is more fun though. The voice-overs i found a little annoying. John Clark has been the same since the begging of the series, but your teamates say the cheesiest line.