Frustrating most of the time but some fun in there.
For an elite counter terrorism unit your team mates behave stupidly they'll stare at a enemy before getting blasted, get in your way repeatedly and just not perfom like an elite squad should behave. The enemy AI out right cheats with it's one shot your dead when all it could see was a tiny piece of you. The one hit your dead system isn't bad it's the enemy AI that hits you with only one bullet from very far away that makes this game difficult hell there shouldn't even be difficulty levels in this game as it clearly does not matter.
Also the enemy AI likes to execute hostages with even the slightest sound which is annoying to the point where you want to uninstall it. The soulution is to put silencers on everyone's weapons but then you can't hear the good audio then and even then it still may not help.
Sniper rifles are useless in the game cause none of the levels are really built to allow a sniper to do anything but kill one person. Some of the other mini gadgets you will never use like the thermal scope.
Planning is almost useless thanks to the inept AI of your team mates and the sniper shot terrorists. Same for the armor in the game you might as well just set everyone to light and what ever pattern cause it does nothing. There was only one time it did anything but that was the only time.
But there are some fun moments in the game it just takes awhile to find them and if you can get past the difficulty and enjoy it then it's fun and keeps the good Rainbow Six gameplay going.
So you'll either like it or hate it same with anything else.