A game any Tactical FPS fan should own.

User Rating: 9.1 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield PC
Let me just get this out of the way If you're getting this game for just the offline mode you're in for a little disappointment since the offline doesn't have that great touch like within the online part of the game they limit you to three other AI in you're team to kill Terros. In the online part of the game you have eight witch makes alot more fun since you're interacting with other humans and its more tactical and realistic. You have other modes to like Operative witch is all the Terros come towards you're team trying to eliminate the one that is selected as a target and he dies before everyone else dose then you have to restart the round witch it pretty fun my favorite one too. you got Adversial its were you have an all out shoot out with other people trying to be the last man standing. Hostage rescue, and one were you have to dissarm bombs and maybe a few others.

Graphics are pretty good for an old game.

The sound in the game just sounds great everything with the gunshots and the environment is spot on.

The only cons I have about this game is the Friendly Fire in online Terrorist hunts is this game should of had FF permanently off, makes me kind of pissed that people do that. Also when you die online you have to wait til everyone dies to restart another round they should have made it to were you can play as a Tango but only can stay in rooms when you become a Tango and not leave that area, or make you're ammo very short and only can walk, hell at least put in a mini game till the die!

The game dose have some flaws here and there but it worth it that any PC gamer that likes FPS' should own this awesome title in the series.