The best PC game to come to the Console.
On November 12th 2003 this game Launched and I missed the launch, but on Nov. 18th on a Tuesday I stopped in the video store and pick this title up. I played the single player because I really had no Idea really what the online part could offer me. On Thursday around 6pm a friend calls me and says you wanna play online in some Rainbow? Well I was a Virgin and this was my First time for any Online Play. I could not stop, I called into work the next day because I had some much fun that night til 6:30am that morning. I made so many Friends that Night it was amazing. Xbox Live & Rainbow Six had brought me something I had never experienced before and I loved every minute of it.
Rainbow Six in My opinion is one of the Greatest FPS of all time and also the first. Rainbow Six has a lot to offer you as far a gameplay goes. Single Player Campaign is always Fun, But when you get into the Multi-Player part of the game thats where you see the game start to grow on you.
The greatest thing about Rainbow and the Maps is that they don't make the game for just the Single Player, Its really made for the Multi-Player aspect of the game. Every single map in the game is designed first as a Multi-Player map then they choose to do whatever they want to it. Thats awesome.
Tom Clancy Game are nothing short of Grade A video game. True to the Military aspects of the game, realistic firing and weapons, Realism of shooting the hell out of some one.
Buy this game, don't rent it. You can probably get it now for less than $10 or in a Double Back with another Tom Clancy game. With Tom Clancy you know you are getting the best.
Thanks for reading My so called review, Check out my other game reviews.
Love you all