Rainbow Six 3
User Rating: 10 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3 XBOX
Well, if Ghost Recon could be described as a streamlined Rainbow Six, Rainbow Six 3 (RS3) takes the process up a notch again. In almost every way, RS3 kicks the FPS (Fist Person Shooter) genre up several notches in every way imaginable. Specifially on the xbox the game excells in ways I didn't expect. Taking things way back from the original Rainbow Six title, wich just happened to capture me completely, and its needless to say that this new rendition of Rainbow Six takes it even further and proves that ubisoft really knows what they are doing. RS3 is distinguished from the PC versions as much by what it takes away as what it adds. Players control only a single team instead of two, and control the same character Ding Chavez throughout the game, wich you will be farmiliar with obviusly and recognize him if you have read the book rainbow six, or played the original ranbow six game. In the PC version of rainbow six 3, if the active character is killed, players just switch to another squad member; in RS3, getting killed means the mission is over of course. The pre-mission planning is essentially gone as well. Instead of fumbling through a veritable library of armor, weapons, and gear, players are given four equipment slots: primary and secondary weapons, and two explosives slots; the remaining members of the team are automatically assigned their equipment. All other planning—mapping routes, etc.—is also totally done for. In short, Ubisoft has taken the amazing formula of the Rainbow Six series and turned it into something much more acessable and more easily enjoyable by the general audience. If you are in any way shape or form a fan of Rainbow Six games, Ghost Recon games, Ubisoft games, or just FPS games in general, you must check this game out imidiately.