LockDown might be a letdown

User Rating: 4.8 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Lockdown PC
If you are truly looking for a tactical game then you will be in for disappointment. It has lost it roots from it predecessors, especially from the last installment. If they would come out afew patches to solve major issues it may rise the standard of the gameplay. But with what it is now it is below average.

The AI is not waht you expected which I will not delved too deep into it. It is like when enemy hears your attack they run around like monkeys and some were looking totally in opposite directions. Yet the team rainbow Ai does have hugh improvement from the previous installment, but with the low side of enemy Ai team rainbow can't compensate for it.

Bottomline is that you can't expect much from a console port . For what it is, it is consider fair good done.