I'm not about the hype. I'm gonna tell you like it is.
User Rating: 7 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Lockdown XBOX
I've been an avid Rainbow six fan for a long time now and I'm here to tell you that this series has been nothing short of revolutionary. If it wasn't for halo, this game would be the best online game out there. With the new installment of lockdown, alot was on the table to make this game a step up from the previous rainbow gmaes. This time I belive it fell short and I'll tell you why. Rainbow six 3, more than 2 years ago, introduced the FPS aspect in its series. But problems over the years with glitches just made the game a little less enjoyable. People sacrificed tallent for glitching and everything just turned to garbage. I personnaly was looking forward to a game glitch free or at least with fewer glitches. So far, I've found no glitches but it will only be a matter of time before someone finds one and uses it to their advantage. On to the more pressing issue, why is this game subpar? I'll compare between lockdown and Black Arrow. On BA, if you shot him in the head, more often than not, the guy was dead. On LD, that is not the case. You could empty half a clip into a guy before he takes the fall....just not cool. Alot of lag issues in LD have made it just annoying taking away from the gameplay. The weapons on LD just look and feel weird now. The game feels more like Ghost Recon: Summit Strike but with much less accuracy. Holding down the trigger is more acurate than single shotting whcih isn't even realistic. The grenade throwing system is just stupid now. I could really go into this game and tell you why everything just becamse too complicated but I'll let the game speek for itself. If you like the game, then don't listen to me. Try it out for yourself and see if you like it. I just can't stand the fact that this series has taken a huge U turn and I need to find a different game to play now becuase of it. Overall, a dissapointment.