By far the WORST Rainbow six game ever released
User Rating: 5.6 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Lockdown XBOX
Alright, you would think in the year 2005 with all the fancy technology we have these days you'd be able to make a good game but not the case with Rainbow Six 4: Lockdown. I'll just go right out and say it this game is total complete garbage. First off the graphics in this game are like blackhawk down style for xbox..which means they're horrible. The gameplay is NOTHING like the previous two rainbows for xbox, so if you bought this game planning to have an experience like those two games you're in for a bad surprise. The shooting in the game is totally noobish, unrealistic and worst of all halo 2 style. You can spray like a lil noob in this game and be just as good as someone whos been playing for a year. I mean if you're a noob and you like halo 2 then yea you'll like this game but for people that are looking for a realistic shooting experience you're not gonna find it here. But enough of what i think..time for the facts. The aiming system is extremely easy. People that have been playing RS3:BA know that you have to single shot and burst fire to kill someone...definitely not the case in lockdown. In lockdown you just keep shooting and pretty much spray..must like the smg in halo 2 and you get easy kills and headshots. The weapons are somewhat balanced but i'm really confused about how smgs are substantially better than assault rifles. I'm not in the army or anything i'm only 17, but i know a submachine gun cannot fire a full 30 shots on automatic and hit a target from 300 feet away with 75 percent of the shots like you do in lockdown. Also my question is..where are all the guns?? I mean its nice to have plenty of new weapons introduced but that doesn't mean take mout the majority of the old GOOD weapons and replace them with guns that most people have never heard of. And the weapons that were included from the previous rainbows are pretty much trash in lockdown. The game is full of glitches, bugs, slowdown online, slowdown on maps, and the dumb thing is it has nothing to do with the hosts of the servers just the game itself is laggy. Also the statistics servers dont function properly..most of the time your stats dont even register. The only thing i can really say is good about this game is P.E.C mode. It works very well and is fun to use but its just not enough to hide the technical shortcomings of the game. In the end i'd say dont buy this game but if you like halo 2 and you're a casual weekend gamer then go ahead and pick this one up.