Lockdown is yet another great title in the Rainbow series, a must have for Rainbow fans!
User Rating: 8.5 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Lockdown XBOX
I too was a bit skeptical about this game. Even after playing the Live demo I wasnt sure if I was gonna like the direction this game was heading. But now, after playing for a week, its clear that Lockdown was a good choice. There are a couple problems identified afters its release. I feel compelled to warn those reading this review. These mostly concern LIVE play. One bug is with PEC mode, seems medics and engineers are unable to repair/replace their medkit/keycard once its expired. Ubi has already noted they will get a patch out for this. The other great concern, and which typically happens on launch, is that there is/was some serious lag issues with Live play. Some speculated it wasnt necessarily latency to blame, but the amount of processsing that had to occur. Lag varied on the map of choice, Subway being the most commonly reported issue. It seems to me that everynight it gets a little bit better. It was pretty much unplayable the first couple nights. The lag would kick in mostly when you got into a firefight. I personally still stay away from the larger maps and keep the number of players to a minimum of six. Because of this, it does appear to be a latency issue. Ubi is currently investigating at the time I write this. The good news is that PEC is a great addition. For those who dont care for this aspect of the game there is still the regular Live match types as in Black Arrow. The looks and feel of the game have changed a bit. I think it looks better and plays better. Some may a little more resistent.