Every once a while there is a game that redifines a genre. This is that game....
It is smooth and so simple that I got my friend to try it. And he hates games! Where the real fun is the heat of battle, your squad crying for help as you watch then die. Okay that was a little over dramatic. Before you go of on every mission you have to choose a loadout for you squad. You can buy new wepons for your team using intel points you find scatared around the levels. You also play as a sniper. These missions can get a little tiring but are challanging enough so you do not notice. On some missions you get to have some new members of your squad. You always stay as the player character Ding Chavez. Each level offers a new goal and a new challange. You have to use your brain to win the level. You can't go charging out into the open or your be dead faster than an old Dukes of Hazzard re-run on TNT.
They are very smooth and well put together. All of the characters are very well anamated. As you take damage you HUD will change to being cracked. If you step into a cold area you mask will got fogy and will become brital. One shot in the head then and you are dead. If you are outside in the rain it will apear on your mask and your vision will be distorted. A very pleasing graphical presentation.
My only bone to pick with this game is the sound. The music is a little off of queue. In the cut scene when when terrorists are breaking into a building they are playing "Staying Alive." Bad ubi-soft. The rest sounds phenomonal. The guns firing, the death screams of you enemy. It all adds to an incredibly emersive expeirience.
The campaine is long and fun. You get around ten levels to play on. After you beat it you can go back and replay it in a different mode like terrorist hunt (the title is pretty self explaitory) or infiltrator were you go around disapleing cameras without being seen. Ontop of that you can go through and play it in co-op mode.
You know me. I love my Tom Clancy games. Even if I didn't this game would still score around a 9.4. It is such a good ****in game.
I got this game off of Gamefly.com and didn't want to return it. Unfortunatly it wasn't for sale. Life can't always be fair.