Just call it Rainbow Six 3 with an attitude problem.
User Rating: 8.1 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Lockdown PS2
Being a HUGE fan of Rainbow Six, I have waited and waited for Rainbow Six Vegas to come out for PS2. Unfortunately I found out that Vegas has been canceled for current-gen systems, forcing me to look for my Rainbow Six fix elsewhere. I had a blast with Rainbow Six 3, so I decided to pick up Lockdown, at a reasonable $8.99. I was not disappointed. It was like Rainbow Six 3 with an attitude: More blood, some language, even some flirtatious conversation. The controls where wonderful, familiar to any fans of Rainbow Six. Both the controls and graphics where improved from 3, as is the story. The only radical change from 3 is the Sniper missions. At first it feels like the additional missions slow down the game, as the first sniper mission is fairly easy. But do not worry, the action gets fast and furious by the second one. Whether team Rainbow is storming a parking garage, or sneaking though a pitch black mansion, this game is a solid squad based shooter. Picky tactical shooter fans might find it a bit too arcade-like, but it is definitly worth the $8.99. Heck, I'd buy it at $39.99.