Not bad at all.
I was surprised at first with respect to the graphics. They almost have a more cartoon look to them than the previous version of R6. I expected a far more realistic look, but I was not unhappy with how they created this game. It's pretty neat.
Gameplay is pretty good in single player, but the sniper rifle that Weber uses for his "top-cover" missions is garbage. Not the strongest part of the game by any means. The single player campaign has a good story, but the gameplay is simply lacking. It's just not as fun as the previous games.
Where this game stands out is in multiplayer. It has some great levels to play and it has maintained (perhaps surpassed) the previous games in multiplayer. It is a great time.
Another point that I feel I have to mention in this game are the weapons. R6 was always using the best, most advanced weapons, but there were many to chose from for each class of weapon. They are lacking too much here. I think that most people will only use a couple of the weapons because many of the others just aren't that good. Somewhat disappointing.
If you like R6, Tactical Shooters and/or great multiplayer, then buy this game. If you've heard about the R6 series and are curious, then I would recommend getting an earlier version first to see where it really shines.