Not only they changed this game non tatical, but they also made this game's story into a non-political and rubbish story

User Rating: 6.5 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 PC
It's very surprising that Ubisoft decided to continue the path of making Rainbow Six into an average First Person Shooter despite losing almost half it's fans since Lockdown. And it's the 6th and presuming last in the series this time. And Montreal still has no idea of making a good "tatical" Shooter as well.
Vegas 2 picks up at Vegas, but from a different character's perspective. You play as a team leader called Bishop. Again like in Vegas 1, Bisop has been called to contain some non-political terroists just because the army couldn't navy seals nor the police were able to send SWAT teams and decided to waste NATO funds and send Rainbow to take the situation.
The story is easily one of the worst in the whole series. As you might expect if you've played the last game, Gabriel is the traitor of Rainbow. But the story doesn't tell you that again until the next to last mission. So you can expect not much of a storyline at the start besides containing situations at random places and ask the question again "Why are the attacks random?" While the ending, if you don't want me to spoil it, Do not read the NEXT PARAGRAH."

The ending is one of the most expected ones in any happy story. You disobey the command's orders and go for Garbriel, then you kill him. Awesome! Then you suddenly get promoted in some ironic way of saying it. Many people that like a good storyline will be raising questions that if Gabriel is the leader, WHY BOTHER LETTING HIM TO INFILTRATE RAINBOW. I mean there's an army of terroists, all smart. Why the top leader? It just doesn't make sense.

But enough talk on the story, most people here care is the gameplay. As you might expect, it's mostly the same as Vegas 1. But what strikes different it the idea of ranks and ACES (Advanced Combat Enhacncement Specialisation). You basically gain ranks by killing people and you might get to Colonel or something and ask a question, Aren't colonels supposed to be sitting back in the room having a cup of coffee and sent your men to die? Nope, no explaination. The ACES is a creative system that makes it for people of different styles. There are 3 categories, Marksman, Close Quarters and Assault. You gain Marksman score by killing long range and etc etc....So you get better long range weapons if you gain more marksman score. It's nice for different players and make things unique, but sometimes people might question Assault points, which mainly you gain it by using grenades, but you don't gain better grenades.
The character you control is purely customised by yourself. You can fit different gears in it, but using what camo doesn't exactly matter. As you climb ranks, you gain more pieces of cool equipment.
Then the graphics, though using the same engine as Vegas 1, the graphics here are very different form Vegas 1. The lighting are much better than the last one. Mostly noticable is that the sky is no longer red. Which brings a lot much more reality inside the game. But in the PC game, somehow you can see pretty lot of glitches inside the game. It;s hard to describe.
Sounds are one of disappoiting aspects of the game just like the last one. Though with more weapons this time, most guns sound like the same such as the PARA-AUG sounds exactly the same from te Type-5. Montreal could have done a better job on it.
But what makes people who likes arcade shooters and liked Vegas disappoint is that the same bugs occur in here. Like enemy AI speak the same conversations about some scardy dude about Chris, though there are more different types, you will still find a lot repeating same dialogues. Then other bugs like you can cant move in some cover and you can't peek out of cover to shoot, or the enemy AI moves in open ground.
For tatical shooter fans the disappointing thing is Vegas 2 stripes even more tatical experience out of this game. You will find the same team members you have in the last game. But there are chapters that force you to act solo for no reason and make it look even more like an arcade shooter.
Overall speaking, if you liked Vegas 1, you will find it as entertaining as the last game. For people who never played this, if you want a good story, no this is not your choice. If you want a good tatical experience, you will find it fairly enjoable. If you like a game with not much realism in it, the this is your choice.